(FREE Printable) – Pokemon Birthday Invitation Templates

by Andrew

Why Pokemon is so popular?

Back in July, 2019, Pokémon Go app began to enter the market and gained a massive numbers of fan in worldwide. With the official release of the game under Niantic Software Co., and latest enhancement on big screen, thanks to Detective Pikachu, the Pokémon craze has been revitalized and a whole new generation of Pokémon lovers has emerged.

If your kids really craze and loves nothing more than Pokémon character and spend their Sunday morning to fill up his/her excitement to see new episode of Pokémon series, then you should give them an opportunity to see a real-life Pokémon character in their next/ upcoming birthday party folks. Begin your journey to bring one of your kid’s dream to life by adorning your party invitation using our material. You want to see it right? Ha-ha! Relax dudes, there is no need to rush. Please take a closer look on these following template below.


Free Printable Pokemon Birthday Invitations Templates With Box For Party Details and Portrait Orientation


These Pokémon invitation features an admirable design. That being said, it has an outstanding layout, cute Pokémon characters such as, Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and as well as the charming Armaldo the armadillo will adorn the header of the card.

In addition, to make it looks as neat & modern as possible, we also drew a perfect rectangular shape to accommodate your party information guys. There are two oval shapes which resemble the Health and Energy bar, you’ll notice this if you have already played and familiar with Pokémon Go app.


Free Printable Pokemon Birthday Invitations Templates With  Pokeball and Health & Energy Bar


Free Printable Pokemon Birthday Invitations Templates With Ash and Pikachu


Free Printable Pokemon Birthday Invitations Templates With  Squirtle and Armaldo


Free Printable Pokemon Birthday Invitations Templates With Beautiful Scenery Background and Bubble


Free Printable Pokemon Birthday Invitations Templates With Pokemon Logo and Bulbasaur

Knick-Knacks Tips ?

1. DIY Pikachu Ears ??

In order to make Pikachu ears like you might have seen it on Instagram or your twitter, you need to get a bright yellow card-stock paper and cute them into a shape of Pikachu ears. (FYI, you can easily get the Pre-cut template on the Internet)

2. Pokémon candy apples ??

Prepare at least 25 apples. Remove the apple stems, then push wooden dowels into the tops. Then melts 2 cups of White Candy in microwave for 2 min and you need to keep stirring the melted candy until it finished.

While we are focusing on in this process, it’s better to ask your husband or friends to help you to Cut strips of black licorice to resemble the belt of Poke Ball, because when you’ve finished the candy, you’ll need to dip the bottom half of apple, and immediately wrap those stripes around the apple.

How to Download

To get all of them, you can take a look at these following instructions:

  1. Right click the template and choose “save image as”
  2. Tap “enter” on your keyboard to save it in your device
  3. And Whoops your template will be downloaded right away.

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